Friday, June 7, 2013

Really??? A business named after a painted bird?

Hi there.....
I am Judith Rittenhouse and as you might have guessed, I am the wacky person with such a company. It is called The Painted Rooster Handcrafts & Collectibles.
I will share more about the store in future posts, but today I wanted to just let you know the reason behind the name, tell you a little about me and of course, I want to get to know all of you too :)
In 1993, I owned a farm & nursery and enjoyed all aspects of country living. I grew up in Southern California and had moved to the Pacific Northwest. I had craved a country life, and once the opportunity appeared I literally jumped at it.
As many country dwellers do, I used ceramic and painted roosters in my decor in this new life. I also had lots of the "real deal" roosters, chickens, horses ......everything nearly. My favorite real rooster was Spike and he was quite something. He was beautiful, sweet, loved to play with the dogs - yep - they all got along well I suppose because they all were babies together. He even took naps cuddling his dogs. 
Well, as life would have it, in 2003 my life turned upside down and I had to leave my country life and return to the city and that also required a re-entry back to corporate life. Isn't it interesting how life does throw us curve balls or bats or whatever? Has that happened to you? Well in 2011, I was happily "secure" in my position as the administrator in the medical field when I started having lots and lots of assorted pain back and neck pain. Multiple tests later and finally the diagnosis - advanced R.A. and a couple of others as well. So...... I was suddenly forced to make the decision to retire early.
Like many others I decided that I still needed to be productive, so I decided to take my love of all things vintage, my joy of creating beautiful things and my business sense and open an on-line only store where I could sell these up cycled, re purposed, handcrafted pieces along with vintage treasures. 
When it was time to name this business, I wanted to pay homage to my past in the country and I happened to be looking at one of my vintage ceramic roosters in my kitchen - and voila The Painted Rooster began to be born. 
As we go forward, I will be sharing recipes, gardening tips & tricks, DIY crafts and of course my vintage finds, ideas on recycling and re purposing and I hope to have many of my dear friends that are bloggers as guests. In other words, I want to inspire you, learn from you and have a great time together. 
I will try and post every weekday in this beginning so I do hope you will check back often.
Thank you for stopping in. Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. I like your post and the vintage, funky stuff you show on your site.

    1. Hi Robin :)
      Thanks for the encouragement. I really am grateful that you took the time to peek. I looked and might I say LOVED your blog. As soon as I figure out this whole process, I will be following you!!
      Have a great Monday. I will be back later.

  2. Great start! Just remember to do it as you are inspired... daily posting ( I did that the first few months) can get overwhelming and draining. I know you will take this and run tho! Best of luck <3

  3. Thanks Ruby!! I am just trying to get the feel for this entire blogging world. I can build a website, a facebook business page etc. but this is a new and somewhat scary thing for me :)


Please do take a moment to share your thoughts..... I read each one and do try and respond regularly. Best Wishes ...... Judith